Bangkokhospital Samui

Providing health check-up services for clients of all genders and nationalities aged 15 years and over, and individual health check-up services by considering the age range, gender, and clients’ operational risks. The doctor will diagnose with a thorough physical examination and provide other special examinations such as chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, blood pressure measurement, pulse measurement, body mass index check, and blood and urine tests to see blood abnormalities, cholesterol, and thyroid hormone levels, etc., depending on the health check-up package you choose. In general, health checkups help doctors diagnose and detect diseases before they become more severe.

  1. Providing individual health check-up service according to the health check-up programs and packages
  2. Providing check-up service for employees of contract companies / annual health checkup for company employees
  3. Providing health checkups for obtaining Thai driving license
  4. Providing pre-policy medical checkups before insurance
  5. Providing health checkups for traveling abroad
  6. Providing health checkups for foreigners to obtain work permit
  7. Providing vaccination service to prevent various diseases

Examination with modern medical equipment

  • Digital mammography
  • Bone density measurement
  • Computed tomography examination 
  • Ultrasound probe
  • Digital X-ray machine
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
  • Exercise Stress Test (EST)
  • Echocardiography 
  • Cervical cancer screening (Pap Smear) with an accurate method by analyzing biopsy samples (Thin Prep)
  • 24-48 hours ECG recorder (Holter Monitoring)
  • Lung function examination (Spirometry)
  • Hearing examination (Audiogram)
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